

  • Star Trek: The Hunted

    Prequel to "Contagion." For Gaynor, since she asked so nicely. :) And the extraordinary women of Sp/Ch group. **And it is my favorite story of my own. What can I say? I like to 'blow' stuff up. :)

  • Gunsmoke: The Valley of the Shadow of Death

    The episode "The Hostage" is one that stands out for many G fans. As a child, I could not live with thinking my beloved heroine had been so badly abused. As an adult, I can go slightly AU, or who knows, maybe it did happen this way. **This is an edited repost of a story I published but removed. I have received many messages asking for it to be reposted so they could finish it.

  • Perry Mason: The Best Part of Me

    I had removed this story, but I was asked to repost. I felt it needed re-editing so it will be new and not. Enjoy.

  • Perry Mason: Mighty Works

    It's just life, and it takes its course without exception. (I am publishing as complete, but I really haven't decided yet.)

  • Perry Mason: Serious Business

    Don't get between a woman and her...

  • Star Trek: TOS Blow Back

    When two former shipmates of Ambassador Spock's, and their ships, go missing, it's up to the Vulcan to try find out where they are and what happened. Along the way, old villains return and past relationships and events come back upon all of them with a vengeance. Revised & re-edited.

  • Contagion

    Evil lives on and on, but in what form? Murder aboard the Enterprise. Set between TMP and TWOK. This is a repost and re-edited version of a previously published story.

  • seaQuest: Once in a Blue Moon

    Ten years after the disappearance of Nathan Bridger, Kristin Wesphalen has survived. Now can she have a life? Part I, depending on interest.