
  • Mother

    For the first time in years, she had known what it felt like to have a mother's warmth and she wasn't ready to let go of such a feeling just yet. [The Future Past - Robin, Lucina.]

  • Rest

    Chrom finds their newest Shepherd asleep in the library. [light pre-romance Chrom/Robin]

  • Steps

    "If I step on your feet, know that you have no one to blame but yourself." "Then I will have to do my best to avoid yours." [Post Future Past - Inigo/Lucina.]

  • Mother Bear Syndrome

    In which Robin does not take kindly to someone attempting to Falcon Punch her daughter. [Female!Robin, Lucina. Slight spoilers for Fire Emblem: Awakening. Drabble]

  • Wistful Remembrance

    This 'no memories' thing must be driving him mad. Why else would he be talking to a manikin? [Tidus/Yuna. Drabble.]

  • Vertigo

    He wanted to rid himself of this weakness. She wanted to be a hero. Somehow, this may be the first step for them both. [Gerome/Cynthia. Pre-game]

  • Dark Reflection

    In the Future of Despair, Morgan encounters a mysterious enemy that seems all too familiar. [The Future Past 1 - Morgan centric]