

  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to High School

    This is an AU where space travel and such is out of the question and the only thing our four favorite characters are trying to survive is the perils of high school, which is very much harder than it looks. For pairings there'll first be Ford/Arthur and Zaphod/Trillian, then Arthur/Fenchurch. Please review!

  • Bounty

    Jack was never in Torchwood, and he never met the Doctor. But instead of being a con-man, he's a bounty hunter. Jack's travelling through space to get to his target, and along the way, he picks up knowledge that suggests, just perhaps, that he was being played. That perhaps, Ianto Jones, his target, is in the right. Review!

  • Nigthmares

    When Vulcan got destroyed, it hit everyone hard. But it damaged one particular teenage navigator nearly the most. He'd gotten everything perfect, then someone died under his care. He wasn't able to sleep, and finally his exhaustion caught up with him. What will Sulu do? A oneshot, a little bit of hinted Chulu. Enjoy!

  • Out of Gas, But Not Out of Hope

    Set during 'Out of Gas' in my own little narrative. Mal wants to give up, he needs to give up, but then he realizes that there are always people who he cares about, and that they care about him in return. Oneshot. Enjoy!

  • Contra Dance

    I've finally gotten around to watching the amazingness that is Firefly. And I ship Zoe and Wash to death. This is just my little AU of how they met. A oneshot, of course. Enjoy!

  • The Deception Maneuver

    "He was addicted, and his source was running out. He needed something new, and it shoved itself in his face. There was no way he could have turned it down, so he didn't." John's military years are shrouded in mystery because most people were too polite to ask him anything. But if anyone did ask, they would uncover things about the little doctor that really change the game. Review!

  • Good Memories

    A bunch of really short Doctor Who drabbles. I don't know how many there'll be, but I hope I've gotten out to a good start. They're going to be from pretty much anywhere between seasons 1 and 7 and some of them will be minor-character-centric. Mostly fluff, because that's what I'm best at. PLEASE SEND ME IDEAS AND PROMPTS FOR DRABBLES!

  • Come Home

    Trevor's not the only one who gets nervous when the Doctor's not home. His mum, River, feels the same. They need him to complete their family. A sweet little River/Eleven oneshot. Not a lot of 11. Parents AU. Enjoy!

  • I'm Here

    Just a funny little oneshot that may have another chapter depending on feedback. In my own quirky little headcanon, Chekov and Khan have a really strong bond(not love, just friendship!) and Spock and Kirk are like, "What the-?". Enjoy! Review, favorite, all that good stuff.

  • Sunset

    Toph and Sokka meet five years after they save the world and realize their feelings for each other. Tokka. So it is. So basically to all my followers I felt bad for not posting. Here it is. A 4 year old fic that's just full of fluff. Well, enjoy. I like reviews, so please leave some for me! Oneshot.

  • Riker's Fear

    Deanna and Riker finally move into shared quarters, their relationship getting more and more important to them. But when Deanna brings up the subject of getting a pet… Just cute oneshot fluff. Kind of Riker/Troi, but not heavily. Enjoy!

  • Violin

    John tries the violin, and frankly, he's horrible at it. But with Sherlock's guidance, he can improve. Another Johnlock fluff oneshot, just because of an amazing picture I found and because I love fluff and because I can. Review!

  • Thunder

    Listening to the Piano Guys pulls up so much emotion! Just another little Johnlock oneshot. When John gets scared one night, Sherlock helps him feel better and realizes that his blogger means everything to him. It would be rated K but for the war references.

  • Arrested

    Sequel to Kidnapped- A high-functioning sociopath, an ex-army doctor, and a wanted assassin have to expose the most terrifying(and only) consulting criminal in the world. But when a life goes on the line the three have to disobey the law, and there are consequences. Can Sherlock and John keep their friends safe even when their allies have turned against them?

  • New School

    Set before Pentatonix, in high school. When Kirstie moves to a new school, she thinks that being teased means being unhappy. But when she meets two very special people, they teach her that it doesn't matter what other people say. I don't really know what I'm thinking for ships yet, but... based on me probably Scomiche. Love y'all!

  • New Coat

    This is just a little oneshot that I thought had to happen. I always think that Into Darkness was Sherlock time traveling or something, because he'd totally do that, and bring home the epic outfit, too. I wrote this in a class under the prompt 'Coat'. Enjoy!

  • A Short Talk With an Old Friend

    John's therapist had told him to forget Sherlock. John found that impossible. Just a little oneshot to flush away some angst. I really do wanna stop re-watching Reichenbach, but the epicness always pulls me back!

  • Kidnapped

    For John, it's a whirlwind of being drugged, captured, and a redhead asking for directions. For Sherlock, it's a realization of how much he needs his faithful blogger. For Moriarty it's all a game, and for Sebastian it's a wakeup call to change some of the evil he did before it's all too late. Kidnapped.

  • Take My Hand

    First Sherlock fic! Right now, my world is made of Sherlock. This show is frickin' amazing! Anyway, channeling some Reichenbach angst here. Enjoy! P.S. Romance is my third category, but there's only room for two so I couldn't add it. I ship Johnlock to death! And the cover picture is a screenshot straight from the show! Yay! Forgive spelling errors, wrote this teary-eyed. Review!

  • Featuring Lindsey Stirling Part Five

    Yup. So, Freda's kinda obsessed with Avi and the collab with Pentatonix just so she can see him. Yikes! Kirstie got really mad, and she screamed at Scott in Scott's own house. Well, he and Mitch's house. That's another thing! Kirstie and Scott were fighting over Mitch like he was an object, and the poor little guy was right there! Will their friendships all be okay? A/N: Story done