

  • Et Resurgent

    Having the ability to revive the dead was going to be either a gift or a curse for Caroline, it was a very powerful weapon but it could also destroy her in so many ways she has to be careful how to use it. And then he came to her in a body bag and she couldn't refuse to bring him back. Not him. Not yet. Klaroline AU.

  • Into The Stars

    Over the years she was meant to be someone insignificant, he was not supposed to allow her to get too close. But she had been the constant face Klaus would see in his head, no matter how much he wouldn't admit it to himself. Caroline struggles to keep her parents happy, and with it she has to play the role of a gracious host to a family she hasn't seen in years. KLAROLINE. AU/AH.

  • Darling, You Give Love a Bad Name

    "The difference is that you're not really here."He stated miserably, the dark circles beneath his eyes became more prominent, as if the entire conversation had wearied him thoroughly."You are not here, Caroline. And it made all the difference."He tries everything just to keep her. She pleads for him to let her go. It will be a cycle they will perpetually play. AU/AH. One shot.

  • Colours

    They met one rainy night in a diner that was lit too bright for their gloomy hearts. The moment passed as swiftly as it came but has proven something so powerful that has kept the both of them going until they meet again. Klaroline. AU/AH.