Vergil1989 the Crossover King

  • Darkest Before the Dawn

    A damaged ship, stranded on an unknown world. A lost and desperate crew, their fates uncertain. A woman who would do anything to protect them. And a war brewing at the horizon. What could go wrong? (Will likely be rated M before this is over. T for langua

  • Welcome to the New Age

    It's been a month since Wally fell in the line of duty, and while the Light is still active, the team discovers a terrifying new threat. It has no concept of fear, mercy, compassion, or morality. Its only objective? Destruction. But where did it come from? This and many questions will have to be answered if they wish to survive. (Multi-fandom. Pre DAO, post YJ 2)

  • Let the Games Begin!

    Summary: Two years have passed since the fall of Izanami, and the world has since been gripped in the craze that is Duel Monsters. With the new game come new challenges, new friends, and new opponents. Will a Fool rise to confront these new threats? Only

  • Heed Our Voice

    Dunmer Dragonborn, Giselle Morgonnis, has received a second Elder Scroll prophecy, telling her she must prepare to head to the land of Westeros before the next full moon. What awaits her and those that follow her into the vastly unknown kingdom? Only time