Fire The Canon

  • Of Friendship and War

    When there's no other choice, they must fight. Even if it kills them. WARNING: character death.

  • Not My Daughter

    Hermione knows something Ron doesn't, and she doesn't want to tell him.

  • Chocolate Orange

    Michael tries to sneak into the Hogwarts kitchens for food. What he doesn't expect is to find the headmaster also sneaking in.

  • They're Not All Bad

    As they laid side by side, arms wrapped around each other in the early hours of the morning and noses pressed together, George whispered words he never thought he'd say. "You're not all bad."

  • A Backwards Society

    When there were pressing issues in the world such as wars, why was society's main concern about somebody's sexuality?

  • A Little Bit of Character

    A collection of drabbles dedicated weekly to the winners of my Character of the Week challenge! 8. Arabella tries to cheer Remus up by asking him to dance.

  • All of You

    A collection of 1 one-shots inspired from Colbie Callait's album "All of You". Various pairings and characters. 12. AlastorAmbrosius. Complete.

  • On the Corner of Godric Street and Gryffindor Avenue

    After receiving a letter from a mysterious Severus Snape, Bathilda Bagshot agrees to a meeting. For what, she is completely surprised. Trigger warning for end.

  • Tom Riddle's Bad Day

    Tom Riddle wakes up, and things just don't work for him. It doesn't make him happy.

  • Coffee is Equated With Romance

    On a cold, winter's day when a blizzard is expected, Padma runs into an old love interest; that love interest, however, is not that old. In fact, it feels very, very new.

  • My Life As It Was

    Hermione is asked to write a memoir of her life for the Prophet, and against her better judgement, she does. From childhood, to wars, to marriage and children, Hermione tells it all in a special edition of the Daily Prophet.

  • Genesis

    Harry was made from the Almighty Creator. He is loyal and devoted to serving the Almighty. The only request is he does not eat the fruit from the one tree. We all know how that story ends.

  • Sally's Letter

    Sally Smith's little sister, Ali, writes her a letter. A single letter from home makes the homesick girl's day a whole lot better.

  • The Tragic Life of Gregory Goyle

    Gregory lived to be eighty-six, but it was not a happy eighty-six years.

  • Worth It

    Diagon Alley isn't what it used to be. Things have changed, and so has Fay.

  • Partners

    Neville and Pansy are made Potions partners for the whole year. In the end, it's not so bad. They actually make quite a good team. Mild language.

  • He's a Keeper

    Parvati and Padma attend a Quidditch match in which Oliver Wood is playing. Minute hints at ParvatiOliver.

  • An Uncle's Duty

    Harry lies to protect his loved ones. He's done it before, and he'll probably do it again.

  • Such a Surprise

    Lee is out to buy the perfect ring for his soon-to-be (hopefully) fiance.

  • Like Father, Like Son

    Draco goes missing one evening. Narcissa is terrified, Lucius tells her not to worry.