Agent Pumpkin

  • Trust Me, Trust You

    You have always been on the run, trusting no one - until one fateful night. You didn't mean for it to turn out in such a cliché way, but things happened and now you're apparently living aside the greatest detective in the world. Whom, might you add, is completely insufferable. But you have your ways of dealing with him. - L/Reader

  • Typicality

    The time when she had acted "normally" had been a poor moment in his life; one in which he had truly regretted and wished to undo. Rikka without her enthusiasm for her extra-terrestrial potential was not Rikka at all... and he realised that he was more lost when she was typical than when she was two handfuls and a bundle of discomposure. - Rikka/Yuuta Drabble!