

  • Lily and James: Forever and Beyond

    Lily and James' seventh and last year is one of heartache, romance, death and secrecy. In fact their love is secret! With so much secrecy can love prevail? Read and Review please

  • When Phoenix's Cry

    Sequel to The Magic Charm. With the end of the 'Magic Charm' project begins a relationship that sends Lily and James on a whirlwind of romance and drama. But there's a new project causing everyone to be in danger.

  • The Magic Charm

    Lily and James haven't seen each other for a few years and when they run in to each other again things turn passionate. What happens when James has to leave? Will they meet again? Please Read and Review!

  • Photogenic Godesses

    Lily and James feel for each other but it’s hidden love. How will these two soul mates finally get together? Please read and review! :

  • Magdalene: Lily's Hell

    Lily has gone missing for four years. Now she is back at Hogwarts with a past that will haunt her! Please read and review it would really mean a lot! :

  • Erase and Rewind

    This is my take on how Lily and James got together! It's only a short ff but please review!