

  • Certified Redemption

    After not losing or winning the war, Harry follows Voldemort to the past, to a world where The-Boy-Who-Lived never existed. Faced with new hardships and a new set of allies, Harry will do what he could not before, kill Voldemort. Based loosely off of I'm Still Here by kathryn518 HP/DG

  • Betrayal and Redemption of the Sweetest Kind

    Ash is betrayed after losing to Cynthia in the Sinnoh League. Paul stays with Ash and Dawn falls in love with Ash. Meeting new friends along the way and Pokemon Ash returns to Kanto. Max Maple decides to challenge the Indigo League at the same time, what will happen when the two groups collide. Lemons maybe in later chapters not sure yet, if their is i will change the rating.

  • The Return

    Percy's betrayed, he comes back against his own will with new friends and family to fight a powerful foe.

  • Percy Jackson and Harry Potter, Worlds Combined

    After leaving Camp Half Blood, Percy via request from Hecate goes to Hogwarts to protect The Boy Who Lived. When Camp Half Blood is sent to Hogwarts by the Gods, what happens to Percy and Hogwarts.