Dory's human replica

  • Harry Potter and the Altar of Life

    This is my version of the sixth book no slash, more magic and, hopefully, a great story! Harry is facing more problems than ever before and the Order is being picked off. Hogwarts welcomes an old friend back to teach and all goes mad!

  • Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs at Hogwarts!

    Who loves the marauders? We do! We do! This is gonna be a long fic following the mischievous pranksters through their school life. Look out for some “Sirius” Snape bashing……geddit?

  • Friends in Azkaban

    When Harry’s teachers and godfather are thrown into Azkaban it I up to him to get them out. This is only a very short fic and I promise my other fics will be longer but this was just a quickie to see how I went. Enjoy!