Beautiful dreaming warrior

  • Last Chance

    She is my last chance at a daughter. Since I am the Queen of Niflheim, I cannot protect her in the mortal realm since I can't have my own magic there expect if a deity were to die. So I need you, my most trusted general to do it for me.-Helena Nyx Gilbert. Daughter of Hel. Princess of both Niflheim and Midgard. Will she beat Madness into Submission or will it beat her?

  • Divine Beauty

    Today the last legendary Nunnehi's eyes open wide, sending a burst of her power through the plants and out throughout the town causing the vampire's to get a chill down their spine, the witches to shiver from the intensity from it, and the wolves to feel more in control. Her mismatched eyes open wide looking up at the ceiling as the machines start beeping loudly cause of her power.

  • Autumn Beauty

    Imagine getting your quirk earlier than others do, cool huh? Now imagine being called a villain when you can't stop and being bullied from that moment on. I will become a hero. I never want to be called a villain EVER again. I'll show them. In order to do that I have to get into a top hero producing school, find a mentor to help me control my cursed, and go PLUS ULTRA!

  • A Blessed Curse

    We are the last children of a hidden clan, with nothing but whispers of it being blessed by Okami and you know what? The whispers were right. Orochimaru wanted the adults to gift him all our kids. Our parents declined and he came back later with the intent of wiping us out. The village of twin moons was eradicated in one night. Now the three of us are all that's left.

  • No one decides my fate but me

    "A lady with a crescent will be the mate to one so powerful,on the eve of Yule a moon of blue shall reveal her true that her other half sees her light,his blood shall put off for a twelve mit that they become one,then they shall be endure everything in the long run."My dad used to read this to me but have a story about a princess turn into cat and a canine prince

  • The Human Phoenix

    The Human Phoenix is a child that has flames of blue, gold, and black when they turn 16. They look like normal until they turn 16 then they shall reflect the Phoenix within. Then and only then will their soul-mate (or mates) show themselves to him or her. If they become one they can become more powerful than the Deathly Hallows.