
  • Harry Potter and the Horribly Unlikely Fanfiction

    Have you ever noticed how incredibly implausible most FanFiction plotlines are? I have. Chapter Five: It's the marriage law that doesn't make any sense! And don't forget the Very Sexy But Also Mysterious American Girl, here to save the day!

  • Peppermint Lip Gloss

    I first smelt it when she corrected my entirely wrong Defense Against the Dark Arts homework. It was a nice smell, cold and sweet at the same time. It was only a little while after that when I finally got to taste her peppermint lip gloss... Oneshot RH

  • I Heart Product Placement

    When the Harry Potter movies sell out to the corporations, there's got to be some product placement somewhere. But can McDonald's REALLY save the day against the almighty Lord Voldemort? Yes, if Harry gets his superstrength from the lovely, artery-cloggin

  • Summer Woods: Taking Hogwarts by Slight Rainshower

    Sequel to DMSA. Summer is back from the dead, changed her name (multiple times) and now she's on a killing spree. But why? She's under an eViL cUrSe and must find the cure deep in the African tundra... WHAT? Africa doesn't have tundra? Oh well. COMPLETE

  • Harry Potter and the Kidney Stone

    HPPS parody. Harry is speaking random countries at random intervals, Dudley is one of the village people, Petunia only knows six words, Snape is tripping out, and Neville is annoyingly repetetive... for the last time, we HAVE NOT SEEN YOUR TOAD!

  • The Three Dwarfs in the Woods

    PG for violence. AU, GWHP. Ginevra Weasley is blessed by three dwarves to be prettier every day, spurt out jewels, and live happily ever after. Prince Harry saves her from her evil stepmother and stepsister, and Luna Lovegood gets to be extra-dotty!

  • I Fall

    SongFic to Everytime by Britney Spears. What did Hermione do to make Draco hate her so much? Why did they break up? Is any one of them over the other?

  • Diaries of a MarySue Author

    People just don't realise how revolting MarySues are. Will soon be rewritten and reposted.

  • Harry Potter and the Accidental Apocalypse

    This is PG for slight violence. basically everyone dies. R&R. It's finished now, so groovers.