

  • Dark Control

    Out of canon CA story: Eyal Lavin/Sharon Welby (character of mine) are now owners' of a private security company: Dark Control. Most CA characters will appear throughout the story. It's a whirlwind tour in espionage, terrorist, marriage, pregnancies, friendships, and near death experiences! It has characters from Royal Pains and NCIS. Didn't post it as a crossover.. to few readers!

  • Running a Mission - A journey into real life

    Eyal/Sharon & Annie/Auggie are going to face real life decisions and find out that even if they are master spies, they might have some problem dealing with real life décisions - kids, discipline, schooling etc. Will they successfully complete this mission... that's for me to know and you readers to find out! I don't own any of the CA characters (Except Sharon, she's all mine!)

  • Welcome to my world

    This story came about following a pretty cool date: A restaurant name Le 6ième sens (6th sense) where we eat and drink in total darkness. (Believe me it was pitch blackness). While driving back I had this idea to team up Annie, Auggie, Eyal and Danielle together and send them on quite an escapade.