
  • When They All Lived Happily Ever After

    From the very beginning, things could have gone differently. At the very end, things could have gone differently. In the middle, there were hundreds of different paths that could've been taken. This is one of them. How It Should Have Ended Prompt. [Twelve Shots of Summer]

  • Deuce Ex Machina

    Perhaps even worse than being an outright failure was being completely un-noteworthy. Settling for less isn't in her plans though, she just has to decide how she's going to break this barrier. Symbiosis Prompt. [Twelve Shots of Summer]

  • Hacked

    Mild Dream Drop Spoilers. He'd made mistakes in his life, he just hadn't thought handing over the scissors would be one of them. Requiem for a haircut...sort of. Betrayal Prompt. [Twelve Shots of Summer]

  • Estuans Interius Ira Vehementi

    No one will ever come remotely close to being worthy of George's daughter. Least of all this weirdo who's somehow convinced her she's in love with him. Tea Party Prompt [Twelve Shots of Summer]

  • Options

    Freedom can be illuminating, and make you realize you're not who you thought you were. Romance Most Contrived Prompt. [Twelve Shots Of Summer]

  • All Hangers All Hanging On

    Which one of them is there because of the other? Secret Genius Prompt [Twelve Shots of Summer]

  • Moment's Notice

    One of the very first qualifiers for fairy tail heroes is being able to launch into fully realized and eloquently rhymed song at the drop of a hat. Some are more successful than others.

  • If Only, If Only

    A series of one shots exploring the latent plot possibilities of FFVII.