
  • In Between My Reality & Her Fantasy

    A young lady who only dreamed and wrote of a world she considered her only escape becomes her reality. Why write about the world of 「K」 when you could live it? (Chapter 14 : Her) (Chapter 15 : Too late) (Chapter 16 : Goodnight) Please do prepare yourself, things are getting intense!

  • Fears

    You're alone and scared on the bar.. But everything change when you found Mikoto just the two of you on his room.. What's gonna happen? (Mikoto x Reader) a fluffy story. Reviews please!

  • Another Chance

    People sometimes wasted their only chance. They'll regret it later. But what if you got the chance again? Will you waste it? It's a story about Ryozaku High, the school of delinquents but actually goods at basketball and they just wanted to reclaimed what they cant before. (Read & Review PLEASE!)

  • The First Of The Last Steps

    Kakashi was told to check up on you so he sneaks into you house.. But surprisingly, not just sneaky Kakashi awaits you OwO matured content and fluff! Please Review! [Kakashi x Reader]