
  • The Cat Who Ruled England

    The saying goes that you don't own a cat, but that a cat owns you. Well, Mycroft Holmes isn't about to let such a creature rule his life- not if he can help it, at least (a special holiday story) *COMPLETE*

  • The Way We Were

    Olivia's music and carefree nature won the Once-ler's heart; The dreams and ambitions of the Once-ler intrigued Olivia. Together, they become a powerhouse of success. But when the forest is empty and the machines are quiet, can they outlast the guilt and shame of what they've done to not only the animals, but to each other? (NOW COMPLETE)

  • Mister Mum

    Mummy is sick, and Daddy takes it upon himself to take care of things around the Holmes household for the day. (A Holmes family one shot; gift!fic for Edhla).

  • Once a Dancer, Always a Dancer

    Sherlock and Mummy have always had a special connection in the form of the traditional waltz (Story one in a collection of challenge fics).

  • Naked

    As the British government, Mycroft Holmes holds the weight of the world on his shoulders. But even great minds such as his need a place to expel their secrets, and in this case, he enlists the help of a most unlikely person…a call girl (No romance, no sex, just talking).

  • Origins

    Sherlock begins his own investigation into a series of attacks on farm animals in countryside; meanwhile, Mycroft begins on a road that takes him to the top *Part three of an AU series*

  • As I Bow Before You

    In which the Deku Butler finds someone he's searching for (Majora's Mask; warning: spoilers and heavy angst).

  • Forging Ahead

    The weight of blazing the trail for change isn't easy to bear (Far Cry 4).

  • Reflections

    The Holmes patriarch is reminded of what Christmas is to him (A Holmes family oneshot)

  • Birth by Sleep

    As Twilight threatens to consume the land of Hyrule, the Zoras are faced with a devastating loss (warning: slightly disturbing content).

  • Ten Pounds

    It all started with a wager (A Holmes family one-shot).

  • Chef Oogie Boogie

    Inside this story is a tale from the past; and it's finally being told at long last. Step inside, dear reader, for a walk down memory lane; join me as I share with you about Chef Oogie Boogie's reign (Pre-NBC; Written as a part of the RLt forum's Halloween collaboration) *warning: slightly disturbing content*

  • Brave

    Of course Sherlock knows that vampires aren't real, especially one by the name of Count Dracula (Story five/final story in a collection of challenge fics).

  • Clean

    Sherlock is seventeen and fighting the monster of his addiction to drugs. With the help of those around him, he begins to take steps toward a life of beginning anew- towards a life of being clean (Story four in a collection of challenge fics) *warning: implied drug abuse*

  • In-Between

    What if Harry wasn't the only person that had a conversation with Dumbledore after Avada Kedavra was cast?

  • It's Hard to Say Goodbye

    Sherlock's always been able to depend on his best friend and childhood pet to be there for him. As Redbeard nears the end of his life, the entire Holmes family realizes just how hard it is to say goodbye (A Holmes family one-shot; story three in a collection of challenge fics) *warning: pet-loss related angst*

  • Countdown

    Just when John believes that he finally knows Sherlock well enough, Big Ben comes under attack by a mysterious, magical force. And once again, John is proven wrong as to just how much he really knows about his flatmate (Story two in a collection of challenge fics) *Complete*.

  • Spotlight

    It's not easy living within a family of geniuses, especially when you're something of a moron yourself. Used to dwelling in the shadows while his family rules the spotlight, the Holmes patriarch will receive one of the greatest gifts for Father's Day that he has ever gotten: words of thanks (a Father's Day one-shot).

  • The Letter

    It's the hardest letter he'll ever write, and the most heartbreaking words she'll ever read (A Mummy and Daddy Holmes oneshot from my AU series).

  • The Beginnings of Us

    (Previously titled 'A Memoir of a Price Once Paid') Every family has a story in which they began. The Holmes family, of course, is no different. *Part two of an AU series* (COMPLETE)