
  • War Or No War

    "I've made my decision." Twilight, Blank, and the others must decide whether to go to war with the changlings or not, considering the damage Tirek has ravaged over Equestria. Third in the 'Discovering Ourselves' series. REWRITTEN!

  • Scion

    In which Anna develops fire powers, and Elsa is the only one who can help her control it. Torunn is not my character, she is an OC from jakevoronkov1. Anil is my character however, he's the Air Scion.

  • Contention

    "This is war, we'll have to prepare." The war between the Changlings and the ponies has just begun. AU. Fourth in the 'Discovering Ourselves' series.

  • Handicapped

    Harry Potter is blind. Hermione Granger has three limbs instead of four. Ronald Weasley has diabetes. Blind!Harry, Amputee!Hermione, Diabetic!Ron. Disabled Golden Trio AU

  • Magical Disaster

    Because things always had to happen to the Golden Trio. Takes place in the middle of October, in their 6th year. winged!neko!Harry, winged!Ron, winged!Hermione.

  • The Dragon Experiment

    "My name is Hiccup. We're all in this together-trust me on that." In which Hiccup and the gang are mutants. No Fishlegs.

  • Inheritance Cycle

    In which Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco come into their inheritance and Professors Lupin, Snape, and occasionally Hagrid help them learn about and control their new powers.

  • The Librarians

    "Welcome to the Library. Sirius is our Guardian. And you are my little Librarians." In which Remus is the Librarian and the Golden Trio are the Librarians-In-Training. Get ready for an awesome, magic filled adventure! Post-DH. Sirius/Remus

  • The Wonders of Zzzquil

    Optimus has trouble sleeping and a human medicine is just what he needs. AU. First in "Mythics, Humans, and Transformers."

  • Current Incarnations

    "She's on the right track, when she said the word 'spiritual'." The Mane 6 and co. learn more about themselves in one day then they have ever known in a lifetime. Second installment in the 'Discovering Ourselves' series. REWRITTEN!

  • The Fate of All Pegasi

    "The fate of all pegasi are in your hooves." Scootaloo must learn to fly in order to save all the pegasi in Equestria from eternal paralysis. First installment in the 'Discovering Ourselves' series. REWRITTEN!