Ariadne Silver-Rose

  • Something Worth Fighting For

    It was always the three of them, Fred, George and Katherine. From the very first day on the Hogwarts express. No matter what happened. No matter what truths were revealed. She was as good as family, nothing would ever change that. The story of Katherine Cartwright, love, loyalty and belonging.

  • Home is where the heart is

    A new arrival at the hospital sends ripples through the staff and possibly into Miles' heart. Miles/OC and Kitmas.

  • It doesn't matter

    It's George's wedding and finally the day has come when Charlie brings a date to a social occasion, but it's not the sort of person Molly had been expecting. Asexual Charlie and non-binary OC

  • I don't care what they say

    Alec and Magnus get back together, the Clave has always disapproved but it turns out they're not the only ones. Set after CoLS (Malec, Sizzy and Clace but mostly Malec)

  • I'm scared

    Just a quick kitmas one shot, kitty tries to explain her closed offness.