
  • Oh no he's hot!

    A lot can change in ten years. And Sabine learns that the hard way when she finally reunites with Ezra Bridger and uh oh...he's hot! Will Sabine ever admit her feelings for Ezra? Or will she just be stuck thirsting for him while Ezra is too much of a himbo to notice she's interested in him? And Ahsoka and Thrawn are just along for the ride. Art done by @bythevay tumblr

  • The Next Avengers

    It's about 15 years or so in the future and all of the Avengers have settled down and had children. The forces of evil however have not. With the realization that their parents are getting older the children of the Avengers take it upon themselves to fill their roles when a new force of evil arises that may be too strong for their parents to fight off alone.

  • Once Upon a Pirate's Heart

    Lily E. Turner went to school in New York with a boy named Henry until suddenly he stopped coming. A few days later she ends up in a town called Storybrooke where she discovers magic and a certain swashbuckling pirate with a hook who uncovers some very interesting things about her ancestry and a Queen and Savior who show her a way to break a curse on one of her ancestors.

  • A Life With Rose

    The copy of the tenth doctor has been left in the parallel universe to live out his life with Rose. But his TARDIS is taking a while to grow... He's finding the need for himself to settle down and live like a normal human becoming increasingly important. Can the Doctor live normally? And how long must he wait for his TARDIS to grow?