Warrior orb5

  • See You Around Pretty-Boy

    Korra finds the Wolfbats and gives them back their bending. Just a simple fluffy one-shot.

  • One Wish, Thirteen More Hours

    Sarah is a college freshman who has a small crush on her childhood villain. Her friend makes a wish without knowing the danger and Sarah is taken back to the Labyrinth by a certain Goblin King. The rating may go up in later chapters. Jareth x Sarah

  • As You Wish, Precious

    Sarah is being chased. She doesn't know what it is and why its after her all she does know is that she needs to get away. Jareth X Sarah

  • Ageless Youth and Youthful Age

    Jareth has spent decades watching Sarah live her live and has finally decided to let her go. Bittersweet ahead, you have been warned.

  • The Morning After

    These are the events that followed Sakamoto's "visit" with Maki.