Anastasia Belle

  • Goodbye

    This is a one shot based on Adrian and Ben's wedding day. Amy and Ben move on with their lives. It's basically their thoughts and feelings about moving on. I was inspired by the song someone like you

  • One night

    Will Madison's insecurities get the best of her? Or will her conscience prevail. Take places in 4x13 And Circumstance

  • Persecuted Christians

    This includes a short prayer and commentary about the situation for Christians and those of other religions in the Middle East.

  • Crazy

    Jack reflects on his feelings for Madison and his relationship with Grace

  • Single Ladies

    Grace and Amy bond about being step sisters. They discuss their high school experiences, mistakes, regrets and families.

  • The first love

    Amy and Ben reconnect on the night of the mother and daughter dance. I've always wondered what would happen if Amy let Ben inside her house and they talked. Ben and Amy's journey and the rest of the gang's journey through high school, college and adulthood.

  • I love you

    There's only one girl that's been able to capture Ricky's heart.

  • Choices

    This story takes around season 1. Amy decides to take matters into her own hands and make a life altering decision.

  • The one that got away

    This takes place post-finale and Ricky reflects on his high school relationships with Amy and Adrian.

  • Feeling Blue

    Henry and Ashley are both feeling down in the dumps about life and the two find common ground with each other.