
  • Savior in Blue Armor

    While under Highbreed's control, Melody meets A cretin rookie plumber.i would like to thank my friend,GoldGuardian2418, for the help.

  • Siren of the Night

    When a freak thunderstorm hits Zurg's Place, it causes his latest creations to turn on him. The fourth one however, turned good. After meeting Buzz's team, she doesn't realize that she's being watched by a certain energy vampire. Who has her sisters as his brides. Can XR save Luna-X4, or will she share the same fate as her sisters and become a siren of the night?

  • Dancing with the flames of love

    Heatblast Meets a firedancer and he was smitten.

  • A Mad Holiday

    Ben and Melody were having holiday fun when a imposter ruins it. Will Ben rescue His fiancée in time? or will he lose her?

  • Wonders of the wild

    Adopted from Blitzwingthecon.

  • The Haunting of Ward Manor

    Melody is being haunting and she made friends with a friendly phasm to help her. GoldGuardian2418 and newbienovelistRD help me out BIG time.

  • The Monster's Lab

    While trying to find her mentor, Melody found a lab that belongs to a monster. Sparkling Lover helped out a lot.

  • Transformation of a New Life

    After hearing the truth, Melody runs into a new friend. I had some help from Goldy and Sparkling lover

  • That's A Wrap

    Melody meets a cretin mummy and learns the truth about her father. thanks for the help of Sparkling lover and my friends.

  • The bookworm and the Vladat

    when she tries to win a bet to regain her dad's honor, Melody is about to discover that her world will become batty. Sparkling lover helped out with the ending.