
  • The Lost Chapters

    The Gaang traveled through the desert to get to Ba Sing Se so they could tell the Earth King their plan and to find Oppa. What if along the way they met people who called themselves shinobi? What if these shinobi could easily beat the Avatar? Would they become friends or would they be enemies? These chapters were lost, I don't know how, but now I found them...now you can read them.

  • Break a Leg

    Have you ever wanted to be an actor? Well, I don't. Mostly because I already have those things and also, there is more to actiong than a script, a director, and a crew. There are other actors, fierce ones too. Drugs and assults come into play and there is nothing you can do about it. Secrets are unlocked that were not meant to be as well...(Break a Leg: Redone)