

  • American Horror Story: Invasion

    A crop circle appears in the fields of a rural Pennsylvanian commune. The protection of her unstable mother and injured father falls to fifteen year old Sara, as no one is who they appear to be. Traditions that span a century are threatened and the balance of power in the community makes a terrifying shift from order to chaos. But one thing is certain: they are not alone.

  • American Horror Story: Headcanons

    Sometimes I get the idea to write a little piece of character history in the form of a short experience or moment in time. The past is my favorite part of character development because everything that happened before builds them into the character we see before us today. These anecdotes are arranged by character and will always be ongoing.

  • Until You Find Your Way Back

    Misty Day is trapped in Hell and the only person capable of saving her is the Supreme.