
  • Bocchan

    It was warm, that night. The night he died. T-don't have to explain this to you, it's Black Butler.

  • Lullaby

    Lucy's lost control of her vectors. Kaede controls them now. Also . . . Mayu . . . has . . . a . . . problem. T, for mentions of suicide, attempted suicide, violence, gore, and mentions of rape/molestation (Mayu).

  • Those Crimson Tears

    "'You are not special. I could kill you right here, and no one would notice. I could drain you dry, and nobody would care.' And I thought, no, no one would. Then, I thought of you." Zero/Yuki. Kaname's a bitch.

  • OTP Prompts

    Mostly Touken, some HinamiXAyato later, all inspired by OTP Prompts on Tumblr.

  • Between Wonderland and Hell

    Ayahina. Slow burn. Future-based AU. You are born with your soulmate's name printed somewhere on your body in the form of a scar. If you are old enough to work, you may meet with them, but the only form of meeting is marrying and living together. Slight Touken.

  • Roommate

    Touka Kirishima becomes Kaneki Ken's roommate. Shit happens. It's TG. The rating is duh-factor. Off the anime.

  • Naze

    Touka has XP, a disease/disorder that causes you to be extremely sensitive to UV rays (?) Oneshot.

  • Love In December

    Ayhina. Oneshot. Fluffish. Veryvery short. I realize this fic shitty.

  • Christmas

    Touken. Kinda fluffy. Mostly just what they got for christmas from everybody. Oneshot.

  • Lies

    Lei and Cassie think they're human. They're not. T for violence, language, and suggestive themes. Review.