It was warm, that night. The night he died. T-don't have to explain this to you, it's Black Butler.
Lucy's lost control of her vectors. Kaede controls them now. Also . . . Mayu . . . has . . . a . . . problem. T, for mentions of suicide, attempted suicide, violence, gore, and mentions of rape/molestation (Mayu).
"'You are not special. I could kill you right here, and no one would notice. I could drain you dry, and nobody would care.' And I thought, no, no one would. Then, I thought of you." Zero/Yuki. Kaname's a bitch.
Mostly Touken, some HinamiXAyato later, all inspired by OTP Prompts on Tumblr.
Ayahina. Slow burn. Future-based AU. You are born with your soulmate's name printed somewhere on your body in the form of a scar. If you are old enough to work, you may meet with them, but the only form of meeting is marrying and living together. Slight Touken.
Touka Kirishima becomes Kaneki Ken's roommate. Shit happens. It's TG. The rating is duh-factor. Off the anime.
Touka has XP, a disease/disorder that causes you to be extremely sensitive to UV rays (?) Oneshot.
Ayhina. Oneshot. Fluffish. Veryvery short. I realize this fic shitty.
Touken. Kinda fluffy. Mostly just what they got for christmas from everybody. Oneshot.
Lei and Cassie think they're human. They're not. T for violence, language, and suggestive themes. Review.