

  • learning to swim again

    In the end, only Jim gets through to her. The only one with the ability to cut through the dark, heavy shroud of grief that wrapped around her as one of the Hamptons detective drove her back to the house.

  • a pocket full of problems and a pocket full of seeds

    Getting up means the weekend would draw to a close, that she would have to pack her duffel bag of her toiletries and find her boarding pass, that she would have to kiss him goodbye in the doorway again. :: Alternate Season 6 Christmas

  • day thirty-seven

    She stopped going home every night.

  • fortune and glory

    Kate Beckett works alone. But her latest mission forces her to face the reason she went into her line of work and to deal with the man who has challenged her patience from the start.

  • flying blind

    Castle throws a curve in their road trip plans.

  • someone to pour myself into

    Even as the sun starts to set, painting long shadows of the surrounding trees across the row of polished shoes, she refuses to move, to leave him alone.

  • with this new sun

    "Kate. Come have dinner with me instead." :: An alternate ending to 'The Final Nail' spun-off from a castlefanficprompts post

  • you said yes as i said please

    Castle made it clear that he couldn't watch her drive herself into the ground and she wasn't about to ruin his graduation celebration with his daughter to tell him he was right. :: 'Always' alternate

  • all those things

    He spends a week in the hospital.