
  • The Ways of Destiny

    "As she reached the top of the steep hill, that the road was built upon, she paused in wonder of the beauty that loomed in front of her. Camelot." Ardwin has always had a simple life but after her village is destroyed in a ravage tempest she heads to Camelot to start a new life. She did not expect destiny, royalty and magic to be part of it.

  • Lines Lie

    Books have got vampires all wrong and this time Vlad is annoyed. A short one-shot on why never to judge a vampire by a book. Warning: Contain some sexual behavior

  • A Darkened Abyss

    With the pressure of power, lack of freedom and a large race following his every movement Vlad feels lost. Five years has taken its toll but when a new threat rises and a threat of repeated history. The dark and eerie shadows may be the safest place to be.

  • About Vladdy

    Little Ingrid wants a story, the Count misses in love and so Ingrid gets the story of how her little brother came to be. One-shot.