Zana Zira

  • Perfect Solution

    Post 9x13. "Really, Sammy?" Dean asked impatiently, a tinge of disappointment in his voice. "You're just gonna pretend last night never happened?" "No, but I'm also not talking about it right now." The laugh that came from Dean's mouth stopped Sam cold in his tracks, an instant before he was knocked unconscious. "That's fine, Sammy. All you gotta do is listen." *NO Wincest.*

  • Famous Last Words

    Response fic to Episode 9x13, "The Purge": "If the situation had been reversed – if I'd been the one dying – you'd've done the same for me." "No, Dean. I wouldn't have." Of all the cruel things Sam has ever said to Dean in the last three decades, that one probably hurts him the worst. And before he knows it, the youngest Winchester may find himself unable to ever take it back.