Zana Zira

  • I'll Be Home for Christmas

    Pre-series, Stanford Era: Sam hasn't spoken to Dean once since the day he left for Stanford, and that was eight months ago. He hadn't realized how much time had passed, but when he suddenly finds himself all alone on Christmas Eve for the first time in his life, it occurs to Sam just how his brother must have felt at being left behind. *NO Wincest.* Merry Christmas, everyone!

  • Pumpkin Pies and PCs

    A good brother keeps his sibling from doing stupid things, like entering a pie-eating contest despite having just gotten over a three-day stomach bug. A better brother steps in and does it for him instead. Luckily for Dean, Sam is a really, really good brother. Sick!Sam, caring!Dean. NO slash. Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Begin to Make It Better

    Tag to 4x10 - "Heaven and Hell": Dean is even more broken inside than he appears after talking about his time in Hell, and he does his very best not to reveal that fact to anyone. But when his mask of calm finally starts to crack, it will be up to Sam to put Dean back together again before he shatters completely. Written for a prompt on DA. NO Wincest, just platonic brotherly love.

  • Don't Worry About Me (I'm Just Bleeding Out)

    Tag to 4x19, "Jump the Shark": Dean really should have noticed how badly Sam had been hurt by the ghouls back at that house. He should've taken care of his brother then and there, instead of dragging him off to burn Adam's body. But he didn't, and now his inattention may end up costing Sam his life. Written for a prompt on LJ. Hurt!Sam, caring!Dean, NO Wincest.

  • The Better to Gank You With

    S1: Dean's had pretty bad eyesight since about the time Sam left for Stanford, and during those years he kind of forgot about the initial insecurity he felt having to wear his contacts just to be able to shoot straight. But now Sam's back, and Dean suddenly finds himself too afraid of what Sam might think to tell him about this little secret. Written for an LJ prompt. *NO Wincest.*

  • Have a Little Faith

    Castiel has given more for Dean over the years than any one man deserves. And now, after he's ruined all of Castiel's work at building an army and nearly killed Team Free Will's only remaining ally, Dean just wants to know why. Spoilers for the ending of Episode 9x22, beginning of 9x23. Light Destiel. Written for Unattainable Dreams' May Prompt Exchange Challenge.

  • An Unexpected Enemy

    Because as if it isn't bad enough that every monster they hunt tries to choke the life out of Sam, now even things that have nothing to do with the supernatural are trying to do it. Limp!Sam, Awesome!Cas. No slash. Set in Season 9, Episode 11, but no spoilers. Written for a prompt on LJ.

  • Chase the Wind, Touch the Sky

    Season 6: Castiel thinks Dean's fear of flying can be easily explained away, that the irrational phobia is best cured by exposure to the very thing he is terrified of. Dean couldn't agree less. But one thing Dean seems to have forgotten is that Castiel is always right about these things, and he isn't about to take no for an answer. Destiel fluff, pure and simple. Slightly AU.

  • Care for the Careless

    Season 5: Just because Dean's the older brother doesn't mean he always knows more than Sam. This seems to be doubly true when it comes to food because somehow, despite having to take care of himself and Sam for their entire childhoods, Dean seems to have forgotten about things like expiration dates since he hit thirty. Sick!Dean, Annoyed/Caring!Sam. Written for a prompt on LJ.

  • Let the Weary Find Rest

    Tag to Episode 9x23: Somewhere in the back of his mind, from the moment he agreed to take on the mark of Cain's legendary curse, Dean always knew he was signing his own death warrant. But he took it, because it had been a chance to redeem himself to his brother - the same brother who now held most of Dean's weight as he bled more and more with every heartbeat. Deathfic, no slash.

  • Breath of Fresh Air

    Pre-Series, AU one-shot: Sam has had asthma his entire life, and usually he manages it just fine. But the winter air has never agreed with him, even in Palo Alto, and no one at Stanford seems to know enough about the condition to be any help. So when Sam suffers an inevitable asthma attack on campus, who will be able to help him this time? Asthma!Sam, Caring!Jess, Pre Sam/Jess

  • Only One I Need

    Pre-series: John's never been supportive of Sam's academics, but even Dean never imagined he'd try to forbid Sam from going to his own graduation. The fallout is bigger than John probably intended, but now that Sam's made his choice there will be no going back. Ties into Sam's acceptance to Stanford. Emotionally-hurt!Sam, Supportive/comforting!Dean, Bad-father!John

  • None the Wiser

    S4, post "Monster Movie": Sam notices something off with Dean after the end of Oktoberfest. He seems to be in pain almost constantly, and Sam thinks it may be something to do with one of his teeth, but of course Dean isn't offering up any useful information. But Dean's a Winchester, and things like this always seem to come to light at the worst possible time. Sick!Dean, Caring!Sam

  • Looking Back as We Move Forward

    Set in S9. With the upcoming battles against Abaddon and Metatron looming on the horizon, something as simple as Sam's thirty-first birthday almost gets swept under the rug. But Dean knows he and Sam might not have much time left to spend together, and he's determined to enjoy the one last bit of normalcy they may ever get. Contains Wee!chesters. *NO Wincest* Happy birthday, Sam!

  • Some Things Never Change

    It's strange how much Sam seems to have changed since he left for Stanford, how he doesn't seem to want his big brother's help with anything anymore. But when Sam's attempts at healthy living manage to make him sick instead, he'll see that having Dean around again may not be so bad after all. Sick!Sam, caring!Dean. Set in Season 1, between "Wendigo" and "Dead in the Water."

  • The Leaves Are Greener

    Set during the Shippuden Era. When relations with the Land of Lightning begin to deteriorate and war looms on the horizon, one young kunoichi and her friends must rise to the challenge and protect their homes from danger. This was my very first fanfiction, written on paper in 2008. Warning: definitely contains Mary Sues. I've posted this mainly for laughs. :)

  • Doubts Unfounded

    It's been a long time since Dean has come to visit Castiel, and after all this time the former angel has begun to think he simply doesn't care about him anymore. But when Dean suddenly shows up in his cabin in the middle of the night, he'll begin to realize just how wrong that assumption is. End!verse Destiel. Rated for sexual content and language.

  • Meridian

    Set in Season 6: Four weeks after Sam took the swan dive into Lucifer's cage, Dean still isn't handling normal life well. He barely eats, hardly sleeps, and it's taking its toll on him in ways even Lisa and Ben are beginning to notice. Is there anything either of them can do for him, or will Dean's grief ruin this last good thing he has in his life? VERY light Dean/Lisa.

  • Uphill Battle

    It wasn't supposed to involve her. Jessica Moore was never supposed to interfere in Sam's family feud. But it may turn out to be a good thing she did, because when Sam is suddenly forced into a life without her, he'll have to rely on the big brother he rejected in ways he thought he never would again. Pre-series, Stanford Era, canon-compliant. Sequel to "Sliding Down the Slope."

  • Springtime Secrets

    Set between 9x15 and 9x16. Dean does a little spring cleaning while Sam's away, and makes a very pleasant discovery in the process. After he's attacked by little gray cookie-eating monsters, that is. And no, he absolutely did NOT scream like a girl! That must have been someone else! Written for Unattainable Dreams' Prompt Exchange Challenge - total crack. No slash.