

  • The Mistletoe Situation

    Dean is knee deep in denial, Cas is looking for his 'Christmas spirit,' and Sam helps things along by hanging up mistletoe. [Dean/Cas]

  • Cold December Night

    Flash Fic for the Prompt: Decorating the Tree [Betty/Kate].

  • Babel

    As it turns out, taking another angel's grace may not have been the best idea. [Dean/Cas].

  • I'm No Superman

    Dean knows comic books are make-believe and red capes don't give you powers. He still closes his eyes and pretends. He thinks if he can be Superman, just for today, just for the moment, just long enough to jump off of this crappy, abandoned shed he can save the world. [More on Dean and Sam dressed up as Superman and Batman when they were 9 and 5]

  • In the Dark of This Place

    The blade's hold, the mark's hold, whatever insatiable bloodlust had owned every corner of him for the past however many days had been steadily draining, letting him realize what he'd done, what he'd done before Cas and Sam had come to stop him, what he'd done to Cas when they had. [Cas/Dean].

  • Don't Fear the Love of a Fallen Angel

    Shortly after becoming human again, Cas gets sick for the first time, and while Dean takes care of him, he still somehow manages to take care of Dean. [Cas/Dean]

  • Unanchored

    Cas remains in Heaven until Sam shows up with some interesting news about Dean. Set after the s9 finale, so spoilers. [Cas/Dean]

  • The Apple Pie Dream

    Dean Winchester is the absolute last person Claire wants to call. The man is a monster, no matter what the guy playing her make-believe dad says. But the thing is, said make-believe dad is missing. And she's kind of worried about him. And she doesn't know who else to call. [Cas gets taken by a Djinn; Claire and Dean rescue him] [Cas/Dean].

  • Sick Day in Sioux Falls

    Dean thinks he must have skipped past feverish and gone right on to delirious - there's really no other explanation for why he's tucked into Jody's guest bed with Cas drooling on the sleeve of his nightshirt. [Cas/Dean].

  • Humanity is the Cure for All Ills

    Dean gives Cas human medicine for the fading grace while Cas secretly tries to heal the Mark of Cain. [Cas/Dean]

  • Angels Don't Get Their Tonsils Out

    When Dean takes Cas to get his tonsils out, neither of them are really prepared for what appears to be Medusa lurking around the hospital. [Dean/Cas]

  • O Holy Night

    Dean's not too happy that Sam's fiance thinks Christmas Eve mass is on par, tradition wise, with apple pie baking, but there may be some unexpected perks to it. [Dean/Cas]

  • Carols in the Rain

    Flash Fic for the Prompt: Only Two People Who Showed Up To Go Caroling AU [Dean/Cas]

  • I'm Into Something Good

    After Dean accidentally stumbles into a nanny interview, he and Ben move in with Castiel and his nieces. Shortly after, he and Cas half expect the kids to pull some kind of parent trap matchmaking crap on them. Neither of them expect, Crowley, Cas' lazy butler, to do it. [Dean/Cas].

  • Tomato Rice Soup

    For that "We're both sick and we both grabbed for the last can of soup at the store AU" prompt. [Dean/Cas].

  • Longing to Linger Til Dawn

    Cas' grace fades, and he dreams of Dean. [Cas/Dean].

  • Seasons Out of Time

    It's not as sudden as Dean likes to think, but Sam is talking about going back to school, Cas is talking about getting married, and he's still wondering what the hell happened to fighting off the apocalypse. [Dean/Cas]. Warning for Major Character Death.

  • He's Gonna Marry Me

    "If we were married, I could be a Winchester," Cas says. He doesn't look up from the colossal phone book he's been perusing for the past three hours. He doesn't act like that would be a life changing big deal. His index finger glides from Schneller to Schuller. Dean loses the ability to form words. "Uh... yeah...that's, uh, yeah." [Dean/Cas]

  • Strange Rituals, Human

    "Be my Valentine?" Dean quipped as he pushed the metal tray across the morgue's lab table. "Of course, Dean," Cas replied, all sincerity. "Do I need to present you with the heart of a recently deceased man as well? I'm not certain I will have time to acquire one as Valentine's Day is tomorrow." [Dean/Cas].