
  • Leviticus 16:22

    The problem with being a martyr is, you have to die.

  • Perception

    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King. A whump!Carlos fic.

  • Lima

    Kieren is kidnapped by a serial killer. Kieren!Whump

  • There will be an answer

    Thursday didn't fight a war so he could own a slave. Slave!AU.

  • Opens Wide

    Joan was going to find out the truth. Even if it means her own death. A fusion with Outlast.

  • Worse than raccoons

    If Carlos was pressed to admit it, Night Vale was scary. He just didn't know HOW scary. A slenderman fic.

  • If Knowledge is power

    If a gun can make you king, then a book can make you God. Crossover with Downey!Holmes.

  • Of silk and cotton

    How do you break out of a fifteen year habit?

  • Cross the Streams

    Trying to find a partner was like trying to find a needle in a stack of needles. A Pacific Rim AU.