
  • What Makes a Chief

    Hank Stanley had been preparing to take the Chief's Exam for months. When the results arrive in the mail, he is forced to reconcile his past mistakes. It is only then that he realizes what truly makes a fire chief. Rated for minor language and imagery.

  • A Moment to Breathe

    The first few minutes after the battle, Harry, Ron and Hermione find themselves together, remembering the hardships they faced. In between the battle and facing the rest of the world, they have a moment to breathe.

  • Claire is Gone

    Claire's birthday rolls around, and Mac comes to the reality that she will never celebrate another one.

  • Hunt for the Sorcerer's Stone

    Ron, Harry, and Hermione go on a hunt to save the Stone from Snape. However, they soon learn that they didn't really know anything about the stone.