Silens Cursor

  • The Night They Remembered

    The war has begun, but Harry's worst danger now is inside of him. To free him from this poison, Moody and Tonks devise a plan - to get Harry to fall in love with Tonks and break the curse. But can she follow through when her own feelings interfere? HP/NT

  • Countdown

    Harry is alone. He has a bloody score to settle. And it is the day before the end of the world.

  • Silence Game

    Su Li plays a subtle game of power - but Harry never plays to lose. Harry/Su Li, the first of its kind, and NOT appropriate for younger audiences.

  • Snitch Game

    One evening, Harry's in a bit of a tight spot, so he travels over to the Hog's Head for a drink. What he gets is advice about sex in the wizarding world from none other than Nymphadora Tonks. Rated for mature content.

  • Criminal Limit

    'The blade must pass through the fire, else it will break.' The Dark Lord aims to break the wizarding world through an arsenal of lies, despair, and betrayal. Using every bit of knowledge, magic, influence, and power he has, Harry must break the tide - before the demons lurking inside break him instead. Sequel to 'Renegade Cause', Harry/Tonks, Daphne/Tracey

  • Renegade Cause

    A difference of a few seconds can change a life. The difference of a few minutes stained Harry's hands with blood - but for the Dark Lord, it was insufficient. After all, you do not need to kill a man to utterly destroy him. Harry/Tonks

  • Point Game

    Harry and Tonks have a conversation, and it turns into something more.

  • Speak Softly, Love

    Antonin Dolohov hadn't always been a Death Eater. He once was a champion. He once had a family. He once had a wife. This is the story how he lost it all. Winner of the DLP July Politics Competition.

  • Case 129

    Three investigators. Two suspects. One murder. Nothing that special... or at least that's what they thought. Winner of the DLP February Dark Arts competition.

  • Temptation Game

    Temptation is a dangerous tool - one Harry Potter knows how to use to maximum effect. A shame unfinished business has to interfere. Oneshot sequel to 'Silence Game', NOT appropriate for younger audiences.

  • Firewhiskey Nights

    Four years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry badly needs a vacation - and instead he gets an old friend and a Firewhiskey-soaked adventure. Threeshot, Harry/Cho

  • Rewriting The Song

    She believed he couldn't change. Discovering his true heart's desire made him want to try. Can Severus Snape reclaim what was lost before it's too late? SS/LE