
  • Clarity

    Clary finds herself imprisoned by her brother, Jonathan, but his intentions with her aren't entirely clear. Clary must fight Jonathan and face her own demons, but maybe her demons will be the first ones she can't vanquish.

  • Until The End of It All

    (Possibly a one-shot) Nearly two years after Supergirl is presumed dead, Kara returns home to a large house filled with memories, and comes back to the love of her life, her wife, Lena Luthor. Is it real life, finally setting her eyes on Lena, or is this beautiful moment another trick meant to break her?

  • Tortured Souls

    Hermione has never been friends with Draco Malfoy, but when both are left haunted by the events of the Battle of Hogwarts and the people they lost, perhaps confiding in one another is the only way to heal their tortured souls.

  • Debt to Pay

    Hermione is the nerd, the smart one, but also the usually timid one. However, when she has a run-in with a particularly nasty person who pushes her too far, she's finding herself facing the consequences of defending herself.