
  • The Future of the North

    When Mobei-Jun's advisors kept pushing for an heir, Shang Qinghua accidentally blurts out that he could have given him one himself once upon a time and is forced to explain himself. The system takes this as its cue to 'Secure the Future of the North'.

  • The Irwin Agenda

    Lan Wangji is pleased that his brother and Wei Ying seem to be getting along like a house on fire. Lan Xichen is most grateful for Master Wei's help. Lan Qiren is just happy that it seems like Wei Wuxian is keeping out of trouble and is optimistic that Gusu Lan has finally managed to tame the beast. Unfortunately, he should have learned not to count his chickens before they hatched

  • Securing Sect Leader Jin

    When Wei Wuxian decides to take Wen Ning's place as temporary Jin Ling Night Hunt Protector he runs into Jiang Cheng. They manage to have a civil conversation, but how did things turn out this way? They'd agreed Jin Ling's position as Sect Leader needed to be solidified asap. But what kind of situation was this? How could this be happening? Wei Wuxian did not sign up for this!

  • The Value of Recognition

    Jiang Cheng takes a curse meant for Lan Sizhui and is turned into a 3 year old. The baby Sandu Shengshou proceeds to cry his little eyes out because he's surrounded by strangers and he wants his parents. They call Wei Wuxian for help and wonder of wonders, mini Sect Leader Jiang remembers him! Except, not in the way that anyone expected.

  • Encouraged Love

    Nie Huaisang needs Da-ge to get married and have an heir because he does NOT want to be sect leader. Luckily for him, Jin Zixuan's terrible soup faux pas alerted him to a perfectly eligible candidate. Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian are tired of Jin Zixuan causing Jiang Yanli grief and begrudgingly agree to Nie Huaisang's plan to encourage Nie Mingjue and Jiang Yanli to fall in love. Wh

  • The word is 'attempt'

    Not this again! Jiang Yanli has had enough. No more Mrs. nice girl. Her parents really need a proverbial slap in the face and she is going to give it to them. Set after the Xuanwu cave.

  • The Guardian

    Harry Potter has been left in charge of Teddy Lupin after the death of his beloved grandmother, Andromeda Tonks. But how does someone with no parents to use as a model even begin to raise a toddler? Especially since he was just barely out of childhood himself. Cue an intervention by one of his best friends, Hermione Granger, and maybe he could make this work after all.

  • Harry Potter and the Hey, I said NOT Slytherin!

    What if the sorting hat decided to ignore Harry's request, and placed him smack dab in - you guessed it, Slytherin!

  • Harry Potter and the OMG Hermione is not ugly

    Harry has a realisation. Can be read as a companion piece to Harry's Woeful Week but can also work as a standalone I hope. T just in case.

  • Falling Out

    At least I knew all about falling in love. It was the falling out that I couldn't manage. — Olive Senior

  • Hermione's Moment

    Hermione has a date to the Yule Ball. Not that anyone knows.

  • Sirius is not on drugs

    Remus gets a strange phone call. Whoever could it be? Crack fic. Muggle Au. Rated T just in case.

  • Cake? Check Date? Double Check

    Hermione runs an errand for Fleur and meets someone she hasn't seen in a long time. Rated T just in case.

  • Harry's Woeful Week

    Harry was not having a good week. It's a good thing he had a date to look forward to, right? Right? Rated T just in case.

  • Garden Gnomes Galore

    He awoke from a nightmare about garden gnomes and shuddered. "Bloody hell what a nightmare!" He blamed the twins. It really was all their fault.

  • Bonds of Brotherhood

    Sirius Black wakes up in a familiar, yet much loathed place. But is it as familiar as he seems to think? His brother's face staring back at him tells him the answer is both yes and no. He also gets some answers for questions he didn't even know he had.