
  • The War

    A study in the First Wizarding War, the Marauders' graduation from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the meanings and accumulation of love, wisdom, hope, and friendship in lives, and the driving forces of characters, known and loved.

  • The Promise

    Dean Winchester has lost his family, and nearly all his friends are gone. The one person he has left is his almost-father Bobby. He would give anything to get his brother back, but it hasn't been easy. Besides, he promised Sam something before his death. Will he be able to keep his promise? Or could the demon Bobby and himself chase to London be the key to finding his brother?

  • The Sorting Hat's Reminder

    Everyone in the wizarding world lost something during Voldemort's regime, but as ever the next year comes and a new batch of wizards are the first building blocks to making it right. The Sorting Hat is there to sing its song, and a new year begins, but this time the Hat has a reminder...and a warning.