Awesome as Annabeth

  • To Understand a Villain

    To understand a villain, you must understand their past. Remember the sixth book? So why does everyone assume all the OTHER villains other than Voldemort are evil because they were born that way? Do you know their story? Do you understand their pain? No. So for you to understand, this is a poem for you. For you to understand.

  • The Sweet Adventure of Kandy and Pop

    Pop (a.k.a Violet) lives a perfectly boring life. Then suddenly her life takes a vicious turn as she discovers hidden secrets and talents within her...while her best friend is at an old fashioned boarding school. How will she ever survive?/Kandy (a.k.a Katherine) has always wished for excitement. So what's her reaction when she's tossed into a chaotic mess...without her friend?

  • Khione's Daughter: Following the Path of Silena

    She looked at me, with fear in her eyes. Then her face showed that she realized who I am, and her face reveals her shock and hurt. But it was too late. I've done what I had to do, and nothing can reverse it. My mother Khione would be proud of me. ON HIATUS, MAY BE DELETED.

  • Alyssa and the Blood of Olympus

    Alyssa Kaldelva has just finished the Blood of Olympus. What does she do? She posts her diary online because she needs other people to know how she feels. Journey on another roller coaster while remembering (nearly) all the events in Blood of Olympus. And obviously, BLOOD OF OLYMPUS SPOILERS INSIDE! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! TEMPORARILY ON HIATUS.

  • Learn Your Lesson Leo

    When 5 year old Leo Valdez refuses to listen to his mother, one particular god pays attention, and Leo pays the price. What happens when he meets an abused 5 year old through dreams? Cover belongs to Viria. Rated T for 'abortion' and mentions of suicide.

  • The Demigod Games

    Leo Valdez from District 2 has VOLUNTEERED to be in the Hunger Games, to save his brother Charles Beckendorf. With all the other tributes, who will win? Who will die? What dangers lurk past the shadows, and which enemies begin to stir and rise? Will Leo survive this? Are his odds in his favour? Or is he a pawn in the Capitol's game?

  • Parkbench

    Lilly and Nico have one thing in common: They hate Drama. So when they have to play a game called 'Parkbench', what will Lilly do? NO ROMANCE, a bit of revenge at the end, and a one-shot. Based on a true story. Requested by ArtemisApollo97. One of the Genres is Drama because of the acting. Read and Review! I hope you enjoy the story! Rated 'K' because I said so. :P

  • The Rising of Something Unbelievable

    When Sistra returns home, she thinks everything's back to normal. But when she finds someone under the same tree she was struck with lightning, she'll never experience a normal life. What will happen when she meets the one that could easily break her heart? Will Gaea finally get to Sistra? Sequel to 'When I Entered Camp Half-Blood'. ON HIATUS, EVEN THOUGH THERE'S 1 CHPT. LEFT. XD

  • Adalyn and the Jewel of Resurrection

    Adalyn thinks she's a normal person. Or is she? When she's forced to go to Camp Half-Blood, who will claim her? And what kind of dangers and surprises lurk in her future? Rated 'T' because I'm paranoid. TEMPORARILY ON HIATUS.

  • The Last Memory

    Harrys last moments of Hogwarts. Two-shot.

  • Tales Behind the Seven

    Just a bunch of drabbles and one-shots featuring none other than the Seven themselves! From happy to angst, AU's to no quotes at all, 10 to 1000 words, I'm sure (ish) you'll enjoy them all! Rated T just in case. Chapter 7: Somehow, even a note from a scribe can lead to you being trampled by fangirls. Who knew? ON HIATUS

  • 10 Ways to Annoy the Greatest Demigods

    Manar Kerelli is what you might say insane. So what does the daughter of Hades do? She gives you 10 different ways to annoy the greatest demigods! Enjoy, and review! (It's parody because it's not really a proper story, yet a bit entertaining, if not a lot.) ON HIATUS

  • Why Harry Potter Is Better Than Twilight

    Hermione found a poorly made essay stating how Twilight was "better" than Harry Potter. So what doe she do? Contradicts it, of course! Read and Review! Rated T for Trolling Twilight. Humour because it's funny, Hurt and Comfort because we're comforting HP fans. REPOSTED.

  • Why Harry Potter Is Better Than Twilight

    Just your average story on why HP is better than Twilight! Googled "Why Twilight is better than HP" and got a bunch of crap that infuriated me. So what do I do? I do what I do best: I contradict it! Read, Review, and Enjoy! Rated T because I feel like it. It's drama because it's dramatic, and hurt/comfort cause I'm comforting HP fans. :D Logic.

  • Meet the New Ghost

    Everyone knows Nearly Headless Nick, right? But when he needs a break (ghosts need vacations too!) who will take his place? When Lily goes to Hogwarts, it'll be an extra special year! Meet the new ghost... Rated T because I said so. :P

  • Lucy Heartfilia: How to Train a Dragon

    Lucy Heartfilia works at a newspaper company, and she's completely fine with it. She writes stories, and sometimes proofreads. But go on investigations? Pf, get out. But when she's assigned an investigation with mysterious creatures and weird forest fires, will she be able to cope with the stress? Will she live to tell the tale? And can she break a curse stronger than the problem?

  • It Has to be Fate

    Zylina was a normal girl, living a boring life. Craving adventure? Total yes. But when Nemesis offers the life of a demigod with a heavy price, will she take it? Or will she disobey Fate themselves? ON HIATUS.

  • 10 Scary Stories with Percabeth

    10 urban legends with legends! What else could you want? Rated T for some blood in the future. All a series of One-Shots! TEMPORARILY ON HIATUS, SORRY FOR INCONVENIENCE.

  • Talking to a Tree

    It's been a few days since Annabeth has arrived to Camp with Luke. Since Thalia became a tree, how does Annabeth take this? How does she explain her emotions? Who will comfort her?

  • Another Nico Rant

    This is something for ALL NICO DI ANGELO FANS. We're all sick and tired of Nico being treated like poop, so this is a notice! Review! Get the word out! Follow and Favourite! We must spread the word before it's too late! That's when BoO comes out. Come on down and READ! Rated T because I'm paranoid. Spoilers for HoH.