

  • Love and Some Verses You Hear

    And without realizing it, they're both laughing quietly - a stolen moment for just them in this city bubbling over with life and people. His fingers, still warm from his cup, don't leave her cheek for what seems like a lifetime. -Lizzie/Darcy, very slight AU. For Sara.

  • a requiem for absolution

    "Don't burn your heart out, love, till we're ash over seas." -Thriving Ivory. The next generation's stories told in every way.

  • it takes an ocean not to break

    The first time she performs the charm and it comes out negative she rationalizes it, because plenty women took a few months to become pregnant. The second, third, and fourth time she gets a negative she tells herself that maybe she needs fertility treatments. -Harry/Hermione.

  • what they call love is a risk ('cause you always get hit)

    But the truth is this: Piz never needed Veronica to be strong, he only ever wanted her to feel comfortable enough around him to be vulnerable. [Spoilers for the film.]

  • For Everything A Reason

    "You're not a very good person," She starts when he finally turns back to face her. "But you could be." -Dramione.

  • Wherever You Go, There'll Be Love

    It starts as a joke: "We should take a vacation, go somewhere sunny when this is over," mostly whispered inside dirty tents and from behind thin blankets. -Harry/Hermione, travel fic. For Sara.

  • a white blank page

    "It's not his fault. It's not yours either." She means it too, she knows that they didn't mean to love her, like she didn't mean to love them both back. -Harry/Hermione. Slight AU.

  • I Carry Your Heart

    Hermione Granger and Viktor Krum fall into an accidental friendship during their long nights spent in the library. -Hermione/Krum. Fluff.

  • the love that you made

    "I'm going to follow you, Harry," Her whispers fill his ears. "Even if that means to death." -Harry/Hermione EWE? Slight AU. For Sara.

  • let's set the world on fire

    Because even in the sea of mistakes and regrets, Teddy's never been one and that's how she knows he's her soulmate. -Lily Luna/Teddy Lupin

  • god & his priests & his kings

    Because Harry is the most beautiful boy she's ever seen, all black hair and green eyes; and she's only ever felt pretty when he's looking directly at her. -Hermione/Harry. EWE?

  • You Are My Fate

    What she means to say is: "You make me feel like home." -Hermione/Ron.

  • throw my pride into this fire

    "Shut up, Teddy. Just let me have this." And maybe because he doesn't want to fight it anymore either, he let's her have it. -Lily/Teddy.

  • Where We Belong

    Because in the end, none of their lives make any sense anyway, do they? -Drabbles both cannon & AU

  • Waves of Reality

    100 Prompts of Potter: Prompt #1: Reality Check. / On the day of Lily & Scorpius' wedding, Harry and Draco have a small chat about becoming family.

  • Moments of Insanity

    Or: Moments Spent Outside the Realm of Sanity with Luna Lovegood. -Hidden moments between Harry Potter and Luna Lovegood. /EWE? [Abandoned]