
  • Scarlet's Song

    Sorry for the bad title. There is a lonely young red headed witch who lives in the woods near Salem with her only friend being a black horse. She is soon approached by the Sanderson sisters who see her as true beauty. Will they take Scarlet's life or do something else with her?

  • Pegagems

    With the Pegasisters now teamed up with the gems, friendships continue to grow between them. However, when an unpleasant memory returns to Rouge, she's been leaving to be alone more often. Can the others find out what's wrong with her? This is the sequel to Three Sisters. You must have read that story first before reading this one or you won't get it.

  • The Power of Fire

    Sugilite and her friend Wicked Spark can't unfuse and they're rejected by their friends. Now they ran away and to start a new life. However, Pearl isn't too accepting of this.

  • Three Sisters

    Steven and the gems find three new comers, known as the pegasisters. When these three show their no harm, they help achieve a common goal: saving humanity. When one danger comes though, they will realize they need each other more than they knew.

  • The Sight of Her

    What if Harley wants a prize that isn't a contest win, but to win the heart of a woman. However, will this lead to trouble for both of them? (I don't think Harley is gay, he's just different. If you disagree, please don't read this.)

  • A Sorceress Between Worlds

    Luna is girl who isn't pure hylian and because of this no one wants anything to do with her. However, a certain sorcerer from Lorule fancies and will do anything to have her. no flames please.

  • Terror and Evil

    A former advisor wants revenge and a certain gerudo king wants to assist her. However, he sees more in her than just a helping hand