
  • Fail once, fail again, fail better

    Four times Buffer and the XO pretended to be a couple and one time they actually were.

  • Without complexities or pride

    It's a chance meeting in a pub but it becomes quickly apparent that they have something in common.

  • The question of If

    What if Dutchy hadn't stepped back gracefully in 4.16 and had instead decided to fight for her?

  • Until the Dawning

    There are more consequences to their night together than either of them had realised. Fifth in the 'We'll sweep the ashes out in the morning' series.

  • Start this fire

    Continuing this is the stupidest thing they could do, but they're not going to stop. Fourth in the 'We'll sweep the ashes out in the morning' series.

  • Caught up in a flame

    The aftermath and the fallout of their night together and Mike's survival. Third in the 'We'll sweep the ashes out in the morning' series.

  • Thank you for saving me from my secrets

    Abandoned. Harry is being abused by his realitives and Snape comes to the rescue. Its slash so be warned HPSS. A little bit of a crossover, LotR.

  • Collections: Harry Potter

    The Harry Potter ficlet of a 29 part ficlet collection. SiriusRemus

  • To Be Surprised

    A Woman like her would never love a man like him, would she? HGSS.

  • And So We Decend

    He had vowed to die, rather than go back there. Slash.

  • Tease

    A short PWP. Severus is being a tease.

  • He Who Saved Them

    One shot. Final Battle, you can guess the rest.

  • Surprise!

    A HGSS one shot. Hermione has been keeping a secret for a long while, it is time it came out.

  • Here Endeth the Lesson

    A One Shot on one way Draco may be persuaded to change his allegiance. Contains much mention of the Holocaust. Rating cautionary.

  • Fire and Ice

    Short one shot. DMRW slash. A short meeting of doomed love.