

  • Falling Back Into Chaos

    A collection of myths I always found fascinating told from the point of view of the women who were forced into difficult situations and relationships. Each chapter is a stand alone story that will weave and overlap with the others to form one over all narrative. Starting with Eros and Psyche, my retellings are mature and will get progressively darker and more twisted.

  • Envy and Manipulations

    Sixteen year old Ginny Weasley has her first summer job at the Folk Hills Country Club, the most prestigious high society club in the wizarding world. When Draco Malfoy comes home from his summer internship at the Ministry of Magic things get complicated.

  • Life goes on

    Cassius, Gavin, Lavinia, and Evelyn carry on with their lives as Draco and Ginny's children. It's tough starting your own family outside of the one you already have... This takes place right where When the truth doesn't matter left off.

  • When the truth doesn't matter

    Cassius, Gavin, and Lavinia are at Hogwarts and have to deal with finding out the truth about their parents relationship. Takes place after I'm yours and hate is such a strong word... enjoy.

  • The lesser of two evils

    Written to satisfy my unhealthy obsession with powerful Slytherin's. This story is loosely based on the legend of Tristan and Isolde, using Voldemort, Ginny, and Draco.

  • Hate is such a strong word

    -Prequel to I'm yours. Follows the beginning of Draco and Ginny's marriage to where the first story starts... I'm kind of on a roll, so it's pretty long, dark, and full of adult things.. so beware.

  • Tom and Isabel

    She was stuck in a coffin for more the sixty years because of him. The trio sets her free and Voldemort comes to claim her. After all No one rejects Tom Riddle. No one says no to Lord Voldemort...

  • I'll never forget

    Ginny promised him that she would never forget that she loves him, but when he tears her heart apart it's hard to remember why she did in the first place

  • I'm yours

    Ginny Weasley has been married to Draco Malfoy for two years. Not by choice of course. This story follows them through the life that they have together.. Dark, with a lot of adult things..