Lazarus Risen

  • The Marauders Go Golfing

    The Marauders are having a pretty boring day during the summer when James announces his parents have recently acquired something called a television. They watch some, discover golf, and chaos ensues.

  • A Potional Mind Year 1

    In this first installment of a series about Severus Snape's life, Severus is in his first year and has to put up with his brothers, his insane friends, the Marauders, girl problems, and giant purple bullfrogs. Chaos ensue. Chapter 18 is up!

  • Crazy Pills, Orange Juice, and Evil Gophers, Oh My

    The Insanity at Hogwarts strikes when Dumbledore puts crazy pills in the orange juice! Pyscho gophers, Kiddy Corralls, and an insane Snape follows! Complete.

  • Confessions of a Death Eater

    Dan Caldwell, a Death-Eater, learns the consequences of his actions and learns to value human life...okay maybe not. *updates posted on why I haven't updated this in a while...*

  • Voldemort's Plans

    Snape has given Dumbledore Voldemort's evil plans. But is it the ones everyone thinks they'll be?

  • Smith 3000

    Part three of the Smith troligy. Professor Smith has made a time machine, and he's going to the year 3000! He drags Snape along for the ride. What wonders await these two? Read and find out!

  • Professor Smith-He's Back!

    Don't read this if you haven't read Professor Snape and Professor Smith yet! For those of you that have...well, Smith just keeps driving Snape crazy. Sequel, NOT a slash.

  • Harry Potter and the Purple Blotches

    CHAPTA 3SIES UP!! Please read review and enjoy.

  • Professor Snape and Professor Smith

    The new DADA teacher is INSANE! Will Snape survive?

  • Harry Potter and Sirius' Mom

    Harry's leaving the Dursley's for good! But what will happen?