
  • Maybe i'm loveable

    Harry is forced to go shopping alone in London and is roughly pushed down on the ground by a stranger. Who is this gorgeous man and why is Harry being lifted into his limousine.. ? Male x Male, may contain mild naughtyness... Bashing at least Dumbledore at the moment, will probably be more.

  • Better than I know myself

    I took four months for Thorin to send his men out to get his hobbit back to Erebor. Bilbo is thrilled when he sees is old companions again but not so thrilled over the reason for their visit. What is it? Male x Male, Bagginshield!

  • Outlaws of love

    Pete can't sleep and Steve is worried. Artie sends Myka and Claudia out on a case while he himself is going to lunch with Mrs. Fredric, leaving Pete alone with Jinksy. What will Steve find out and will Pete accept his help? What will it lead to and why is Pete so afraid? Male x Male, M rated for naughtiness in the later chapters. [LattimerxJinksy]

  • Bring me warmth but cold kisses

    The winter break has come along and Harry is left alone. As he is sitting by the lake, deep in his thoughts he catches the attention from an immortal teen. How will this end? Male x Male, Dom!Jack x Sub!Harry, M rated for reasons.

  • Learning to love

    Harry decides that enough is enough. The night he is brought to the orders hideout at grimmauld place 12 everything Dumbledore thought he knew is turned against him, and what part has Severus to play in it all? Male x Male, Mainbash: Dumbledore; will probably be more.