

  • TMNT and the Legendary Creatures

    A 100 Theme multi-part series. Based on the ghosts, demons, yōkai, obake, yūrei, and other legendary creatures of Japanese folklore and mythology. Preview image commissioned from PowderAkaCaseyJones on DA. 1st Place in the TMNT Universal Reader's Choice Awards 2017: (Mature Ballot) Most Interesting Original Character (Mr. Hidesato) See additional art on AO3 under hummerhouse.

  • Girl Talk

    The girls do a little bonding. One Shot 2k12 Written for RachelErica*'s Bi-Week Challenge on deviantArt - April and Karai. Contains references to TCest, adult concepts

  • Worse Than Its Sting

    What scares a giant, muscle bound, red banded ninja turtle? You'd be surprised.

  • I Yield

    Donny wants something in particular from a certain brother, but said brother is being obtuse. One Shot. Adult concepts and situations, TCest. Pairing: ?/Donatello *preview art by the inimitable sneefee, commissioned for this story.

  • Encounters: Leo and the Diva

    You can't live in a city of over 8 million people without interacting with a few of them. Rated for adult concepts and situations, language. See my gallery for more Encounters stories.

  • Their First

    April O'Neil defines her place in the Hamato family. Erotic without specifics. Hetero interactions. One shot. Based on the 2k3 cartoon series.

  • Triple Down

    A set of drabbles featuring Raph/Don/Raph. Rated for TCest. One shot.