
  • How to train Your Crafted Dragon

    when hiccup takes a ride, he learns of a strange boy with a strange past, What berk doesn't know is that this boy is Hero brine. (AFTER HTTYD 1 and before HTTYD 2, So this is young hiccup.)

  • A miner's Destinylife

    Roses are red, The ocean is blue, A miners life poem... Will come to you!

  • Herobrine Gets Caught

    Summary: Herobrine gets caught while trying to sneak back to the nether portal. Will ryan save the day or will herobrine become the fallen? sequal to 'Forbbiden mineshaft'

  • Steve's adventure in Minecraftia

    A miners Adventure From Start to finish.. Lolanice: A Must Read! DISCONTINUED

  • Blocks to animie

    when a prophecy comes to 2 worlds, These worlds go on a quest for truth. But sometimes you cannot change a fait... can you?

  • Jamie Bennett, Meet your new friend, fear!

    Just waiting. No Jack. When a enemy comes back, will Jamie have a new guardian or a new evil side? will jack come save him or will he fail?

  • Frost finds The Hero

    (rotg) Jack frost and (minecraft) Herobrine are brothers. Jack 's family adopts herobrine not knowing anything about him. When herobrine goes back to minecraft jack frost searches for herobrine and goes on a hunt. When he descovers hero's real brother and past, one question remains. will jack frost keep hero? Or let him go forever. Note: Before jack frost died. ON HOLD, NEED HELP

  • Herobrine And the Friend

    Peas and carrots blend. Bread and butter stay. Peanut butter and jelly stick. Only one problem... Do a Herobrine and a miner become friends? Or will they become enemys. This story tells all. (warning! this Story might cause tearing up. Get the tissue ready and begin reading. If too much crying happens see your doctor right away. If you face turns red for sadness, take one hug)

  • The Forbidden Mineshaft

    When a kid goes out into the forbidden mine he will find more than just some ores...

  • Do you want to do some mining?

    a parody of frozen (Do you want to build a snowman) to a minecraft version parody (do you want to do some mining)

  • Herobrine is injured

    Herobrine is hurt after a battle almost causing him to fade into existence... But when Steve finds him will he be the friend or will he be the enemy? Read on!

  • Herobrine's first kill

    Ever wondered How and What Herobrine's first kill was like? This story has it all! (May include depression)

  • Reality into anime

    Lola antecedently gets lost in the real world. how did she? She has entered a forest.. One question remains... why or how did the forest take her to Jack's past?

  • Rise of the guardians save Minecraftia

    The guardians stumble on a portal and accidentally enter it! Little do they know they enter minecraftia and a new evil has to be put to a stop before its to late... On HIATIS

  • Man in the moon see's jack's death

    Man in the moon's thoughts before Jack died... enjoy! (one shot)

  • Jack's sisters thoughts

    You heard about jack frost's last thoughts right? Well now this is her sister's thoughts ;)

  • Jack frost's final thoughts

    This is a Story I wrote about jack frosts last comments/thoughts when He died...

  • Jack frost Goes into the past

    Jack Wants to see his sister again.. and thanks to a time travailing portal that North built now he can! (One shot)

  • Jack frost meets Hiccup

    summary: hiccup meets jack... (Before he was a guardian) ... (Not a hijack story.)

  • Notch's Story

    one shot story! It has Herobrine in it... Enjoy :D Characters: Herobrine, Notch