Wandering outlaw

  • Megaman ZX: On fate's wings

    Set after the events of ZX: Serpent has been defeated, but peace is a fickle bird. Maverick attacks are still happening, and more dangers are on the horizon. The Guardians and the Chosen One of the Biometals now face the challenges that come with a world with no leader, and the uncertain future seems to be coming ever closer...

  • Strolling across the sky

    With the World Eater slain, and the Civil War back in full swing, the Dragonborn shall walk the endless path to amass the greatest collection of iron daggers Nirn has ever known. Join Dragonborn Amalia Farseer and her ever loyal (and beleaguered) follower, Lydia the Housecarl. The two of them shall brave Skyrim's many perils, from scary bears to guards with knee problems.

  • The White tiger and the Black gunner

    He was acting for fame through guile, she wanted to be the main character through power. Two similar goals for two very different people. Or...were they all that different? Oneshot fifty theme challenge.

  • Legend of Zelda: Connection to Memory

    Set in the far reaching years after the events of Twilight Princess: The harvest festival is approaching, and with it folks from all over are coming to Castle Town. Apart of the crowd, is a young girl named Connect, whose appearance is very similar to the hero of legends. As it goes, will this young girl be a nobody, or something more?