
  • His Hope

    Grant Ward only has one thing...his most important thing.

  • What's up, Neighbour?

    Skye is a blogger. Ward's a personal trainer. They are neighbors. They don't always see eye to eye, but they certainly love to screw with each other.

  • Death and Destruction (They go Hand-in-Hand)

    Once upon a time, Agent Lumley said that 'wherever she went, death follows.' Of course he does, he'd follow her to the end of the world Or, if death and destruction had a name, it would be Grant and Skye.

  • A Convenient Friendship

    Skye works at a convenience store right down the street from Ward's apartment. He gets the same thing everyday at the same time, so she decides to get it for him. AU land where Hydra was defeated way back when.

  • With A Smile On Her Face (And The Darkness Inside)

    Someday, he vows, he would make her pain go away. He would make her feel like a person who was loved and extraordinary in the best ways. He would try his hardest to pull the shadows out of her, bring back the bright light he fell in love with all that time ago.