

  • Voldemort's Return: The Musical

    Voldemort and his Death Eaters display their musical talent Disney style in this musical parody of the events of the night of Lord Voldemort's return.

  • Death Eaters… Be Prepared!

    Warning: DH spoilers. Voldemort is planning to take over the Ministry of Magic, and his Death Eaters need a little song to boost their spirits about the whole endeavor... a short Harry Potter musical!

  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: The Musical

    Another Harry Potter musical set during HP7. This time, the cast of Harry Potter displays their musical talent Anastasia style!

  • Dallas

    On one November day in 1963, the future of America changed forever. This is the story of how one mutant vigilante tried to stop it. Semi-Crossover AU.