
  • A Painful Family Reunion

    Snape picks Harry up from the Dursleys revealing many secrets about Harrys home life. But what Snape has to tell Harry is even more shocking. Harry meets his very extented family New Pen Name Same Story. Beta'd by Uknowho.

  • Farm Life

    After year4 Harry's Aunt kicks him out. For his safty and the safty of Ron Hermione and Ginny they are sent to live with Snape for the Summer. on a farm. Will Harry find a new family? read & find out Snape adopts Harry. Betad by Asorel. New PenName Same s

  • Family

    Harry finds a family in the most unlikely place. sorry i'm not good at summaries.sort of severitus in latter chapters. if anything in this story existed in the books its not mine. New Pen Name Same Story