

  • Spilling the Beans

    Just how did the topic of Sam's coulrophobia come up in the first place? How did the car ride back from Commander Rehme's house go after Sam more or less told Rehme they'd stay on the case? Missing scenes from 2x05, mostly car conversations and thoughts.

  • Just For The Craic

    Or more accurately: 'When Captions Meet Cranky Colonels and Restless Trouble Shooters'. A collection of crackfics that were inspired by LOLMac's. Some are about Stargate: SG-1, some are about MacGyver, and some are a crossover between the two. (Updated whenever a LOLMac inspires another crackfic.)

  • H is for Home

    General Hammond comes home to a welcome scene. Written for the Friendship Alphabet Soup of November 2014, over at sg fignewton's page on LiveJournal.

  • Recurring Reality

    Doctor Clint Cassidy, fresh from Montana, arrives at Westbury clinic. There he runs into a familiar face. A scene from the Pilot episode with a twist. AU.

  • Christmas Letters

    A series of Christmas letters from a young Clint.

  • GDOs and Past Pains

    Well, how would you react if you end up in a very familiar garage…that no longer exists and hasn't for the past couple of decades? Jack is confronted with a difficult decision: to cause destruction, pain, and heartache, or change the course of time. (Started as crackfic in response to a LOLMac, but it took on a life of its own.)